


它的目的是提供一个研究课程和学生活动计划,致力于道德品质的发展, 精神生活的丰富, 以及基督教理想的永续发展.

在上帝的庇佑下成立,坚信这个社区需要一所大学来拓展思想, 发展道德品质,丰富所有可能在其影响范围内的人的精神生活, 十大赌博网站将为耶稣基督作见证, 通过其管理直接表达, 教师, 工作人员, 和学生.

以确保其创始人的这些基本概念的永久化, 特此决定,所有与十大赌博网站有联系的人都将成为受托人, 军官, 教职员工, 或者是员工, 必须相信, 并在原则和实践上予以肯定, 圣经的神圣启示, both the Old and New Testaments; that man and woman were directly created by God; that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin; that He is the Son of God, our Lord and Savior; that He died for the sins of all and thereafter arose from the grave; that by repentance and the acceptance of and belief in Him, 蒙上帝的恩典, the individual is saved from eternal damnation and receives eternal life in the presence of God; and it is further resolved that the ultimate teachings in this University shall always be consistent with, 这与, 这些原则.


这些原则被大学的创始人采纳,并作为PBA章程的序言. 由PBA BOT于2021年更新.



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